About My Art

If you look around for more than a few minutes you'll quickly notice that my art is a bit ummm... eclectic shall we say. It's true. I cannot settle on any one thing. I need variety in my life. I want to try ALL THE THINGS & I cannot sit still to focus on any one given subject matter. I like to play with different styles & mediums. The pieces listed here are primarily done in acrylic paints or Copic markers. There will probably be some ink drawings on occation, and maybe a bit of sculpture when the mood strikes me. I don't make any promises of what you'll find.

The one thing I *DO* promise at the moment is that every piece is a one of a kind original (OOAK). I don't currently have the equipment or the inclination to make copies or prints of my work. Maybe at some point I will add coloring pages for download, but not today. The great part of that is when you buy a piece of my work, you KNOW you have something unique. The downside of that is that I am only human, completely incapable of cranking art out very quickly. My mediums & general style of creating just doesn't lend itself to mass production. But that's not a terrible thing, now is it? 

I tend to create what I enjoy & my own life experiences. That's why you'll find such a wide variety here. Ima country girl at heart, but I love the spooky & macabre. Halloween is my favorite holiday, but Spring has my heart for all of the wonderful things that grow & are reborn. I also adore many fandoms, howeverrrr... I don't relish the idea of litigation over copyrighted characters, so I will not be offering any of those in my shop. Originals only, y'all! :)